First Contact HR Launches Brand New Website!

Known for innovation and continuous improvement, First Contact HR portrays these characteristics with the launch of its brand new website. Change is a sign of our times, so why not embrace it … with a face-lift! That’s right, our website, got a fresh, new look to match the personality of our brand.

First Contact HR helps clients hire the right employees from the start with a comprehensive suite of background screening services including drug and alcohol testing, identity verifications, criminal and credit history research, driving records and much more.

What better way to show off the services we offer with a fresh-looking, new website that makes it easier for the world to discover them.

What’s more is that we’ve also integrated an up-to-date newsroom where you can get industry and company news, blog posts, and tons of resources all in one place! You can even join our social media community on Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin.

Launch New Website

We would love to hear your comments and feedback: send a message to or post a comment on our facebook wall at

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